what causes weather?

Climate on the Earth is brought about by heat from the sun and development of the air.all weather conditions occurs in the lower layer of earth's atmosphere,which is a layer of gases encompassing earth.the sun,s heat warms the air in the layer to various temperature levels in various places.warm air rises,and a virus air then surges in under to supplant it.this development of air is what we call wind.winds get changes the weather,such a reasonable radiant skies or weighty downpour. dampness of water fume (gas) in the air likewise influences the weather.the measure of dampness in the air influences how mists from the climate the mists produce fog,rain or snow as well as outrageous climate such a tempests and snowstorms.

What causes weather ?

Weather conditions is comprised of six fundamental parts. These are temperature, climatic tension, cloud arrangement, wind, moistness and downpour. A little change to any of these circumstances can make an alternate weather condition.

Each weather condition has a thump on impact, making an expanding influence all over the planet. That is the reason weather conditions can at times appear to be turbulent. It's continually evolving.


Temperature portrays how hot or cold the climate is. The climate ingests heat energy from the sun. Be that as it may, human exercises, like delivering ozone depleting substances into the climate, can likewise influence the world's temperature.

Air pressure

Air pressure is a consequence of the weight and thickness of the air.

Air pressure changes as air becomes hotter or colder, on the grounds that the temperature of air influences how thick it is. Warm air particles have more energy and move further separated, implying that warm air is less thick than cold air.

Environmental tension additionally diminishes as you move higher into the air. Envision the climate as a gigantic expanse of air that we live under. The strain under the heaviness of the whole sea is far more noteworthy than the tension close to the sea's surface. That is the reason air pressure diminishes as you move higher in the environment.

High-pressure climate frameworks will generally bring cooler temperatures and clear skies. Then again, low-pressure climate frameworks bring warm temperatures and more disrupted climate.


Mists are noticeable masses of water fume in our air. They are shaped when water dissipates from places like seas and lakes, and afterward consolidates when it chills off once more.


Wind is the development of air overhead. Wind is brought about by the different gaseous tensions in our air. Air from areas of high strain attempts to move into areas of low tension. The more noteworthy the distinction between the pneumatic force, the quicker the air moves between the two regions.


Dampness depicts how much water fume in the air. Water fume makes up anyplace somewhere in the range of 0.1% and 4% of the gases in our climate. Hotter air can convey more water fume than cooler air, which is the reason warm heat and humidities frequently feel tacky.


Downpour happens when water drops tumble from mists overhead. Mists are brimming with small water drops, and as they gather more dampness those beads become heavier and heavier. In the long run, the beads become too weighty to even think about remaining overhead, and they tumble to the ground.

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